The History Guy Guild
Education • Culture
History deserves to be remembered.
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Apple Pie

The saying “American as Apple Pie” is a classic one that harkens back to American culture, to the days of home-baked pies and gingham picnic blankets. But apples, of course, are much older than the United States, and the humble pie has a history much longer than the nation.

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Unroyal Deaths: The Strange Deaths of Medieval Royalty

It was relatively common in the middle ages for Kings, royals, and various other titled men to die in combat, and they were at least usually expected to fight personally. Despite the dangers of medieval combat and the expectations of nobility, however, many at the highest levels of aristocracy died in less than noble mundane accidents, and even in embarrassing circumstances.

Chaos at the convention: The 1968 DNC

The 1968 Democratic National Convention, coming amid a year of political strife, faced controversy both inside and outside the international amphitheater in Chicago. The resulting chaotic convention would forever change the way the United States chooses party presidential nominees.

Mystery of the Lost Congressmen

On October 16, 1972 a small Cessna 310 aircraft carrying four people went missing en route between Anchorage and Juneau Alaska. While flying in Alaska can be notably treacherous, the loss of this particular aircraft was especially notable, as among the four were two US congressmen, Alaska’s Nick Begich, and Louisiana's Hale Boggs, the house majority leader.

The Weird History of Grapefruit

Grapefruit is weird even among other citrus fruits.

Rome's Thermopylae

In 192 B.C., rising Rome met a remnant of the empire of Alexander the Great on the storied ground of Thermopylae, nearly 200 years after the Spartans had made it famous fighting Persia. The battle played a significant role in the course of history in the Mediterranean.

Canada's Forgotten Hurricane 1775

The deadliest disaster in Canadian history was the first hurricane in Canada’s recorded history. And, perhaps most surprisingly, the storm is nearly forgotten today.

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