The History Guy Guild
Education • Culture
History deserves to be remembered.
Join The History Guy from YouTube in conversation about his videos and various topics in history. Here you can find behind-the-scenes peeks of the set and The History Cats. Share ideas for future videos or ask questions of both the community and The History Guy himself. Early releases and the occasional extras are available for supporting members.
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The Last Great Explorer: Richard Byrd

A friend of presidents, industrialists, and statesmen… A sailor whose career began on coal fired steamships but went on to witness the surrender of Japan following the use of the first atomic bomb… A pilot who became the first man to fly over the North and South Poles, and an admiral who charted a landmass fully half the size of the United States itself… Admiral Richard E. Byrd was one of the world’s last great explorers.

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Mercury and MESSENGER

Mercury is the least studied and most difficult to reach and observe of the inner planets, making the two missions that have visited the crater-pocked planet history that deserves to be remembered.

1948 Tinker Air Force Base Tornadoes

Only a handful of tornadoes each year cause loss of life and/or significant property damage- and such storms are certainly a significant part of American history. But a particularly costly storm in 1948 not only made history, it changed our very understanding of tornadoes themselves, resulting in the first tornado forecast.

Fighting Filth: Street Sweeping

Today machines to sweep streets- the machines alone represent a more than 3.6 billion dollar annual market- are recognized around the world. But the mechanical street sweeper is a rather new invention that took some time to sweep a skeptical public off its feet..

The Siege of Charleston

Nearly forgotten amid the Union victories of 1863 was the Union attempt to bring the war back to where it started: Charleston, South Carolina. The siege of Charleston became the site of numerous engineering innovations that presaged warfare of the next 60 years, as the North tried to take the city and fort that symbolized the birth of secession.

Murder on Fletcher Ice Island

In something out of a suspense movie, in 1970 a shooting on a nearly inaccessible ice island left a Navy research division desperately seeking answers- How do authorities deal with an alleged murder in one of the most remote places on the planet? The shocking Murder on Fletcher’s Ice Island deserves to be remembered.

Scandal: Apollo 15

In June 1972, a scandal broke over the behavior of three of NASA’s astronauts. The Apollo 15 postal cover scandal seems little remembered today, but it rocked the nation at the time, destroying the careers of people who had been hailed as national heroes.

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